Streamline your processes with MyCase legal practice management software. 

We are delighted to announce that you can now integrate LEX Reception with your MyCase case management software (CMS). 

How can integrations help my practice?

How much of your day is taken up with non-billable hours? Law practices still struggle with reducing manual work required on cases. One 2020 study found that 67% of in-house attorneys felt buried in low-value work – including qualifying potential new clients and managing client communication. 

That’s why MyCase and LEX Reception are such a powerful combination. With your legal reception team answering your phones, following up with potential clients, and handling intake, no PNC is ever missed. By integrating MyCase, your new client intake will appear immediately in your CMS. You can see your message and contact history through one complete platform – no need to juggle multiple portals.   

The great news is that integrating your legal tech comes at no extra cost. We think your practice management solution should be your office from anywhere. It’s your inbox, filing system, tasklist, time-tracker, and payment tool. Attorneys save hours every week just by reducing the number of platforms they need to check daily, and they can create a personalized client experience. 

You can save hours every week just by reducing the number of software solutions you have to check every day.  

How can I sync MyCase with my LEX account?

It is really simple to integrate MyCase with LEX – and you’ll have our client services team on hand to ensure a smooth setup. 

If you already use LEX Reception and MyCase for your legal practice, you can call our Client Services on 1-866-818-8090 to connect. You can also book an appointment at a time that suits you. It only takes 15 minutes to set up and will save you time every day when you can see your LEX calls and messages in your MyCase call log. Once your integration is live, you can convert call details to contacts or leads. We can also help you align your MyCase intake form with your LEX intake scripts.  

All you need is a MyCase admin account and your login details. Our team will handle the rest, and streamline your firm in no time.

Can I integrate other legal software with my LEX account?

Yes, you can! We have integrations with everything from calendars to accounting software. And we can set up all your integrations on that one call. Take a look and make your software work harder than ever.  

How else can I use LEX Reception?

We’re much more than an answering service for law firms. You can use your LEX Reception account to respond promptly to potential clients and follow up with existing contacts – we’ll make those calls on your behalf. We can use your calendar software to book consultations with suitable clients – if you don’t have a booking system, you can get Setmore Premium free with your LEX account. We can even take payment for you through LawPay and other online payment systems. 

You can also benefit from a variety of tools through LEX, from our live chat widget that helps you engage with potential new clients on your website, to our free video conferencing system. And as many firms move away from their office, we can support with a mobile app and our home-working knowledge. For more information on any of these, please contact Client Services. 

Quick Takeaways

  • Law firms experience many challenges during a natural disaster, normally at the same time that many new clients are trying to contact you.
  • LEX is here to keep your practice open, answering your calls 24/7 until the danger passes.
  • For more information on preparing, check out disaster resources from the ABA and Florida Bar.
  • Stay safe!

Looking for more information about our full range of integrations? Take a look at our integrations page or contact Client Services at